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Let me introduce myself...

Hi! My name is Roxana and I am the newest member of the sales team here at Factor Forms & Labels.

Roxana Cristea

In September 2022, I jumped at the opportunity to join the Factor team! My background is in supply chain management and procurement. That experience helped me venture into the printing industry about 10 years ago. At that time I began working as an Order Writer and eventually a Customer Specialist which then led me to my current Sales Rep position here at Factor Forms and Labels.

My favourite part about my role here is getting to know my Dealers, growing relationships with the team, learning new things about this industry every single day and finding solutions to challenging scenarios.

An interesting fact about me is that I was born and raised in Romania in the middle of the Transylvania region known for medieval towns, mountainous borders and castles such as the famous Dracula's Castle. My hometown is a popular spot for hiking, rock climbing, skiing and camping.

Bran Castle in Transylvania

I enjoy spending time with my husband, son and our adorable dog Luna who I cannot imagine life without. We all love traveling, hiking and skiing. My favourite activity is hanging out at the beach with a Margarita in hand! Future travel destination wishes include the Bahamas, Dominican Republic- Amber Cove and Grand Turk Island.

It's been an absolute pleasure getting to know you all and I am so excited to see where my Factor journey takes me.

My favourite quote is, "Live each day like it's your last and be present with those around you!"

- Roxana



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