I'm thrilled to present the first installment of our informative LABEL SERIES written by our Label Manager, Stuart Sherwin (a.k.a. Sticky Stu). It will provide valuable information about what is happening in the label world, specialty applications, stock choices, videos of our amazing label equipment and more!
...That's a FACT JACK!
"What's EXCITING in the LABEL world?"
Did you know that LABELS are the fastest growing segment of the printing world?
This market is expected to show significant growth right through 2026!
Are you riding this train? Well, you should be...
Every client you have uses labels in some manner. You do not even have to prospect new companies, just farm your existing client base. Let's say you pick up 3 new label orders from each of your existing clients and you have 50 clients in your territory. That's 150 new orders at an average of $200 per order. That's an amazing $30,000 of new work. The beauty of it is, labels do nothing but repeat! That's a pretty nice increase in new business without the nasty part of prospecting!
AND don't get me started on profits...digital labels carry a substantially higher mark up than traditional print if you are upselling the benefits of digital. For example, if the label is a one colour 2" X 2" square label, you will get an average markup, BUT if you can upsell the label to a custom shape with full colour, your profits can definitely increase and your client gets an affordable, eye-catching product.
Let's face it...LABELS ARE WHERE IT'S AT!
- Sticky Stu
