HELLO! I am Allie, one of the sales reps here at Factor Forms & Labels.

Even if you are not one of the contacts I speak with directly in my day to day, you might recognize my voice. I started out as the Receptionist when I was hired 5 years ago. From there, I quickly moved on to Customer Support. I was the voice on the phone that found lost packages, entered your orders and made order changes. I eventually found my current home here, in the Sales Rep hallway, at the Edmonton Branch (3rd door on the right!).
A fun fact about me is that I am actually the third generation in my family to work in this industry. My grandparents owned a print & stationery shop in their hometown in Alberta. My parents also owned a print shop in Edmonton for most of my life. They have all since retired, so they have passed the torch on to me (no pressure!).
I have included this adorable photo that I currently keep at my desk. It is of my sister and I working on a Müller Martini saddle stitcher in my dad's shop. I was too short to reach the pockets, so I had to stand on a skid! Luckily I have grown a bit taller since I was 8 years old, but to be honest I would probably still need the skid :)

It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know all of you throughout my time here at Factor and I look forward to getting to know you better!
- Allie