Hi! My name is Tara, one of the sales reps at Factor Forms & Labels. I work at the Victoria branch.

I started out in the workforce as a shoe salesperson and moved up the ladder to become a manager after 4 years. At that point I wanted to try something new, so I began my search. I was hired at Factor Forms and Labels in 2007 as a Customer Support/Order Writer at the Richmond, BC office (almost 15 years ago). Working at a branch gave me valuable experience as I had the opportunity to try everything from reception, entering orders, working in the warehouse and shipping. Four years ago I transferred to the Victoria office and I am now the newest Sales Representative. My husband and I, along with our two fur babies, moved to Victoria on a new adventure. I love working with such a great team and with so many awesome Dealers. I am so LUCKY :)
I enjoy time spent with my husband and our adorable pets, who I cannot imagine life without. We have a Rottweiler named Roxy and a cat named Molly. We love hiking, camping and hanging out at the beach. We live in the best city for that with endless beaches on all sides of us. Being out on the lake is my "happy place". I do realize that we are surrounded by ocean, however there are a few lakes nearby. In the summer we get in as much floating as we possibly can.

When we first moved to Victoria, we took up golfing. I am terrible at it, but still have a lot of fun doing it. Practice makes perfect - I am hopeful that one day I will get there and be good at it - LOL! In the future, I look forward to having the chance to travel more. So far the only place outside of Canada that I have been is Cuba. I really hope to visit Mexico next - margaritas and tacos here I come!

For now, I am really looking forward to this next step in my career; especially getting to know all of my new Dealers.
- Tara
This or That?
Calling or texting?
Couch potatoe or fitness fiend?
In between
White wine or red?
Either is good 👍 Planning or Winging It?
Painfully True or Comforting Lie?
Again, in between
Board Games or Video Games?
Board games
Store Bought or Homemade?
Definitely homemade
Sneakers or High Heels?
I love my heels, but more of a sneakers girl now
Hot Coffee or Iced Coffee?
I love both, but my hot drinks have to be hot. I’ll microwave it 5 times sometimes before I finish it.